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PPF Olorien Business Centre, Njiro, Arusha, Tanzania. +255 765 772 906

Attractions at Mwea National Reserve

There is a number of attractions at Mwea National Reserve, ranging from various tree species, wildlife and bird species.

The Mwea National Reserve is located within Mbeere District, in Eastern Province, a distance of about 200km from Nairobi. a nature reserve in Kenya. It is characterized with the aid of furry plants and scattered large bushes Acacia species and baobab timber, ordinary savannah ecosystem. Open grasslands are dominant along the Principle Rivers, with occasional thick undergrowth. Renowned for its water birds and waders, over 2 hundred species of birds have been recorded inside the reserve. This warranted it to be an Important Bird Area IBA. The reserve is the simplest covered location wherein the globally threatened and Kenya-endemic Hinde’s babbler is understood to arise.


Major wildlife attractions at Mwea National Reserve include the  elephants, Rothschild giraffes, Common zebras, Lesser kudu, Buffalo, Water Buck, Bushbuck, Impala, Vervet Monkeys, Aardvark, Yellow baboons, Grants gazelle, Dik-dik, Cape hare, Warthog,  Black-backed jackal, Duiker, Sykes monkeys, Genet cat, Slender mongoose, Stripped ground squirrel, Dwarf mongoose, Crested porcupine, Rock Hyrax, Tree Hyrax, and tortoise. Hippos and crocodiles are also found in the dams and rivers. Different birds and reptile species have been recorded in the reserve.

The park also has two islands worth visit, that can give you a great treat on your visit to the spots, with a boat ride to give you the opportunity to spot some hippos, crocodiles and the number of bird species as well.


There are over 200 species of birds, Mwea is known for its water birds and waders. The only protected area in which the globally threatened and Kenya-endemic Hinde’s babbler is known to occur, the Reserve shelters two other rare species; the white-backed night heron and Pel’s fishing owl. For those who love to spot the winged ones, can visit the park, for a wonderful birding experience.

Tana River

Boat trip on the lake is rewarding as you’re able to spot a number of hippos, crocodiles, and birds during your ride on this beautiful water body. Keep your eyes at the lake showers are number of wildlife come to drink water, you may spot a rare one as well.

Kamburu Dam

Kamburu Dam, at the meeting point of the Tana and Thiba rivers forms the focus for the 48-sq-km reserve.

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