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PPF Olorien Business Centre, Njiro, Arusha, Tanzania. +255 765 772 906

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy: A Sanctuary for Wildlife and Communities

Located just south of Isiolo, the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is not just a haven for luxury lodges and remarkable wildlife experiences; it’s a beacon for community and conservation projects. Devoting around 70% of its annual budget of over US$2.5 million to healthcare, education, and community initiatives for neighboring villages, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy epitomizes the synergy between wildlife conservation and community well-being.

Key Features:

  1. Wildlife Diversity:
    • Houses the critically endangered black rhino and the endangered Grevy’s zebra.
    • Home to elephant herds, lions, giraffes, wild dogs, and over 400 bird species.
    • One of the highest wildlife densities in Kenya.
  2. Conservation Initiatives:
    • Focus on community and conservation projects.
    • Approximately 70% of the budget allocated to health care, education, and community initiatives.
    • Remaining funds directed toward conservation and security projects.
  3. Private Reserve Access:
    • Entry allowed only for those who have booked accommodation.
    • Accommodations contribute to the park conservation fee.

Community and Conservation Initiatives:

  1. Education and Livelihoods:
    • Envisions a future where communities value, protect, and benefit from wildlife.
    • Invests in education, healthcare, water, micro-enterprise, and youth empowerment.
  2. Anti-Poaching:
    • Implements world-class anti-poaching operations with cutting-edge monitoring technology.
    • Engages surrounding communities as crucial partners in conservation.
  3. Tourism:
    • Nine tourism properties provide an intimate, conservation-focused safari experience.
    • Contributes directly to wildlife conservation and community development.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Tourist Experience:

  1. Wildlife Density:
    • Lewa has one of the highest wildlife densities in Kenya.
    • Home to 12% of the country’s black and white rhinos.
  2. Grevy’s Zebra:
    • Boasts the world’s single largest population of Grevy’s zebra.
  3. Other Wildlife:
    • Elephant herds, buffalo, giraffes, lions, cheetahs, and more.
  4. Community Contribution:
    • Visitors directly contribute to wildlife conservation and community development.

Marathon Event:

  • Hosts one of the world’s most rewarding marathons to raise awareness and funds.

Visitors to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy not only embark on an unforgettable African adventure but also become active contributors to wildlife conservation and the upliftment of neighboring communities. The conservancy stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of wildlife, tourism, and community well-being.

Interested in visiting this place? Get in touch with us and book your journey today!


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