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How to get to Marsabit National Park

There are two ways of how to get to Marsabit National Park and those are by road or by air. Visit Kenya with Enclose Africa Safaris.

Roads: From Nairobi, the reserve is reached via Nanyuki and Isiolo a distance of 620 km. The road is paved up to Isiolo leaving a distance of 270 km of very bad road that is only motorable by 4 wheel-drive vehicles during the dry season.

By Air: There is an airstrip at Marsabit, 4km from the Park’s main gate.

Airstrips: It is only a two hour and thirty minutes flight from Nairobi and is sufficiently served by a good tarmac airstrip found approximately one kilometer from the town center of Marsabit.

By bus

Marsabit is approximately 550 kilometers or 7 – 8 Hour drive from Nairobi via the towns of Isiolo and Archers Post. Reaching the town was previously a challenge as you had to either hang on top of the trucks or hike lifts in government vehicles. Currently, there are multiple bus services that ply the Isiolo-Marsabit route on a daily basis. It leaves Isiolo for Marsabit at 8 pm, arriving between 3 and 5 am and leaves Marsabit at 8 am arriving in Isiolo between 3 and 7 pm. In addition to this, there are other buses that ply the Nairobi-Moyale route, through Marsabit.

The road has been recently paved and connects all the way to the Kenya-Ethiopia Border at Moyale. It is approximately 277 kilometers from Isiolo and takes between 3 and 4 hours.

There are two airstrips servicing charter aircraft, one close to town, about 10 minutes’ drive towards Moyale (Marsabit Airstrip), and the second about 30 minutes away towards Chalbi (Segel Airstrip). The Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) flight is the only regular flight to Marsabit on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Enclose Africa Safaris can arrange for you, your visit to Marsabit National Park, on a private means, making you reach earlier ad have enough time to visit the park, with hustle free life. Get all arranged for you, and you just do the parking

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