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PPF Olorien Business Centre, Njiro, Arusha, Tanzania. +255 765 772 906

Selous Game Reserve: Explore Africa’s Largest Wildlife Reserve

Overview: Selous Game Reserve is a vast, 48,000-sq-km wilderness area situated in the heart of southern Tanzania. As Africa’s largest wildlife reserve, Selous is a haven for diverse wildlife, offering a unique and secluded safari experience. Here’s what you need to know about Selous Game Reserve:

Selous Game Reserve

Location and Size:

  • Located in southern Tanzania, covering approximately 50,000 sq km.
  • Encompasses five regions: Lindi, Morogoro, Coastal region, Mtwara, and Ruvuma.


  • Home to large herds of elephants, buffaloes, crocodiles, hippos, and wild dogs.
  • Habitat for some of Tanzania’s last remaining black rhinos.
  • Abundant bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers.

Best Time to Visit:

  • June to October (dry season): Ideal for wildlife observation as animals gather around water sources, and vegetation is less dense.
  • Wet season: Some camps may close due to impassable roads.

Wildlife Viewing:

  • Lakes along the main circuit offer views of giraffes, waterbucks, zebras, impalas, and buffaloes.
  • Lions are frequently spotted near waterholes during hunting.
  • African hunting dogs (wild dogs) are a key attraction, hunting in packs.

Bird Watching:

  • Diverse bird species, including mosque swallow, brown-breasted barbet, purple-banded sunbird, Mangrove Kingfishers, and more.
  • Excellent opportunities for birdwatchers to spot unique species.

Into the Wild with Enclose Africa Safaris:

  • Enclose Africa Safaris provides an off-the-beaten-track experience, spending more time in key wildlife locations.
  • Guides maintain contact with National Park Rangers and local experts for the latest information on wildlife sightings.

Selous Game Reserve offers a pristine and less-crowded safari environment, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the beauty of Africa’s diverse ecosystems. From large mammals to vibrant birdlife, Selous is a treasure trove for nature enthusiasts. Explore the wild with Enclose Africa Safaris and witness incredible wildlife moments.

Contact us to plan your safari adventure in Selous Game Reserve!

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